Sunday, January 17, 2010

BAT COUNTRY!!!! Volume 3

Hi everyone, this has been one of the genuine craziest times for me as far as being busy with projects. Goldie can attest to that as I periodically bombard her with portentous announcements of all my projects like a proud toddler who has just painted "Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte" on the wall with ALL 8 colors of crayon. Good boy, go to your room. In music news, though, I will share that I have begun collaborating with the immensely talented Sarah P. Randall, an old friend of mine who recently opened for Westfold at Bar Of The Gods, in hopes of resurrecting the sleeping Coeur Machant. But enough small talk, on with the wacky videos!!!

What can you say about Barry Adamson other than that he is sooooooo cool. And I may interview him soon. Keep your fingers crossed.

This song is perpetually stuck in my head, and inspired me to buy a sweet hat.

Holy fuck, Iggy Pop, do you roll out of bed as scary as this?

And to think they let this guy do the tutorials to kids' games.

You didn't know that Karin Dreier was a shaman, did you?

What fucking cave have you been living in?

Tell you what, when you begin your own postmodern mythology, you can have two videos in a row on Bat Country!!! too.

Does anyone else feel like they've just been run through a velvet meatgrinder? Intensity ain't all Drop-D and 808s, kiddies.

Picture this video with the music from the last one...

...and never sleep again.

Yes, yes.

Bathe in the at-the-time-cutting-edge cinematography.

Amelia (14 mos. old) took control of the keyboard momentarily to post this:

I think they should remake "The Parent Trap" with Morrissey and The Blue Wiggle.

"If you meet Kid Beyond on the road, kill him."

"But not before you meet him."

Here's a little taste of an upcoming interview subject:

Kil Ripkin is displaying some definite hiphop skills, and I'll be talking to him about what exactly hiphop is.

Well, that's it for another episode of BAT COUNTRY!!! In closing I'd like to leave you with a video of Crappy's own Ben Meyercord in his band Y La Bamba, who he is too gentlemanly to post a video of himself. I saw them last night for the first time and they rocked it out.


Dr. Something said...

Hooray for more Bat Country!

I really like Karin Dreijer's stylish use of tile spacers.

dharmabeatdown said...

That's why she gets two videos.