Crappy Indie Music-- The Blog! was founded in 2007 by fierce music lover and social entrepreneur Goldie Davich. Her dream was to have a no-holds-barred place for music bloggers to tell it like it is. CIMTB became many people's go-to live music resource with
Ben Meyercord's live music picks and Ryan Feigh's PDX rap knowledge. In 2009 Crappy acquired a crop of feisty bloggers, including Jess Gulbranson, who immediately began starting feuds with bands worldwide and interviewing some great people. In 2011, the blog entered a transitional period, culminating in a fantastic concert at The Old Church, featuring
Dr. Something's Poppin' Fresh Love Engines, Goldie's band
Evil Doer, and an all-blogger supergroup doing
some crazy covers!
Now in 2012, Goldie has handed the reins over to Jess, and the blog is coming back strong with a crop of new bloggers. Here they are!
Heather- Cycle killer, qu'est-ce que c'est? |
Lee- our man in Weirdsville |
Scott- desperately seeking Japanese country music. |
Geoff- far too much tea. |
Jess- your fearless editor. |