Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Golden Girl Alicia McDaid

RIP Blanche Devereaux.... May you sleep in the arms of the Big Daddy in the sky.

Portland, Oregon Artist Alicia McDaid from her photo series "The Baby Sitter"

Golden Girls mash up Aerosmith and Lily Allen from Alicia McDaid on Vimeo.

The following peice brought me to tears (The Golden Girls + Abortion + Dust In The Wind = Goldie Sobbing). When I saw it, the theater (can't remember the name...) was dark and there was only a spot light. The tone was somber with that special tang of bittersweet GG's humor. I hope to find a copy of that performance. This one is a little more "funny" :

Rocksbox Fine Art: Alicia Love McDaid from OPENWIDEpdx on Vimeo.

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