Wednesday, June 18, 2008

[Recap] Valentines 6/17/08: Please come to me in my dreams.*

I had SO MUCH FUN last night! Adam Steinfink and I went out to celebrate our one day off together. Here is the recap:

1. I met DJ Harvey County West who was spinning prior to the live music. Last night was his debut of this official DJ name!

2. Doorway Dweller was really fun! They sang this song about Bull Run and I loved it. I loved it because we got to shout "BULL RUN!" which, for the non Portland native, is not an event involving bulls, rather Bull Run is Portland's pristine water supply.

3. Tokay, the reason I wanted to go out in the first place was because I was bored. The second reason was because of Rush-N-Disco. Ben's Meyercord used the words "spectacle" and "kinda hard to explain" in his picks for this week. Intrigued, I checked out their Myspace. GUESS WHAT? The girl in Rush-N-Disco is Alicia from APE SHAPE!! After I figured that out I had to go to Valentines. This lady is a powerhouse! She can DANCE AND SING AT THE SAME TIME AND LOOK AMAZING DOING IT! It turned out only Alicia from Rush-N-Disco was able to perform. Which honestly was totally rad. I made chit chat with her hot friend Bridget. Bridget and I laughed uncontrollably during Alicia's "Love Affair In Text"!

4. So right before everyone started playing there was this lady setting up her gear. She looked familiar. Doesn't everyone in Portland? Then I saw this other lady sitting at the bar and she looked like Mae the piano player from my new favorite Portland band Rollerball. It was! And then I figured out that the girl setting up gear was Amanda the bass/saxophone player from Rollerball! TOTALLY AWESOME! Then I was doubly happy to have gone to Valentines! I got to hang out with Rollerball and see Amanda's band Dramady! Ivy Ross started dancing to Dramady's set. I love me a dance party! I think I even played tambourine at some point (oh my god de ja vu from Sunday's TJO "drum" circle!) Oh yeah I also found out Amanda also played with Ape Shape! Oh also, the guy who was playing drums in Dramady is also in a band called narwhal vs. narwhal.

Here is a video of what I didn't see last night performed by Rush-N-Disco

Ste. Goldie

PS -- Rollerball is playing Someday Lounge next Humpday the 25th! It's their record release! Also I just went on a walk and loaded my iPod shuffle (thank you maria!) with all of the CD's and I hit the road walking to the best shuffle... damn.

*this is a quote from "A Love Affair In Text" reading Alicia did with some guy who did really well considering he had only just read it about 30 minutes prior to performing

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